

Chapter President – Cristian Ioja (University of Bucharest CCMESI), Contact: cristian.ioja[at]

Chapter Secretary – Mihai  Razvan Nita (University of Bucharest CCMESI), Contact: mihairazvan.nita[at]

The headquarters of SURE – SE Europe Chapter is at the University of Bucharest, Romania – 1 Nicolae Balcescu Blvd., Sector 1, Bucharest, 010041, Romania, Tel/Fax: +40-21-310 38 72


Executive committee

One member from each designated country in SE Europe.


Research themes structure

Territorial planning – Angelica Stan (University of Architecture and Urbanism Ion Mincu, Romania), Contact: angelicastan[at]

Urban biodiversity – Marilena Onete (Institute of Biology of Romanian Academy), Contact: marilena.onete[at]

Social aspects of urban ecology – Ionut Petrisor (University of Architecture and Urbanism, INCD URBAN-INCERC), Contact: alexandru_petrisor[at]

PhD section – Ana Maria Popa (University of Bucharest), Contact: anamaria.popa[at]