Workshop Nature Conservation


Society for Urban Ecology – SE Europe Chapter in collaboration with the Centre for Environmental Research and Impact Studies and the Faculty of Geography – University of Bucharest are inviting you to attend the Workshop Nature Conservation and Urban Development – How to manage together? to be held in Bucharest starting with August 31, 2016.


The workshop is aiming to represent a platform of debates which will help scientists from the fields of nature conservation and urban studies bridge the gap between the domains. There are four topics of the workshop:

  1. Environmental Conflicts Resolution – Challenge of Natura 2000 management
  2. Social key resources in Natura 2000
  3. Management of Natura 2000 sites for better inclusion of human needs
  4. Natura 2000 and urban connections



August 31 – Workshop in Bucharest (Faculty of Geography)

September 1 – September 3 – Field trip in Dobrogea and the Danube Delta (more details soon)



Workshop – No fee is required for registration to the workshop

Field trip – A fee of 200 Euro is required to be payed in the day of the workshop (it covers all traveling, accommodation and food expenses)



If you wanna participate at workshop (with or without a paper) please fill in the registration form below and send it to the e-mail: mihairazvan.nita[at] no later than August 20.


Registration form





Type of participation: Paper ☐ Attend ☐

Paper title (if the case):

Name of authors (if the case):

Authors affiliation (if the case):

Paper abstract (if the case):

Topic of interest: ☐ Environmental Conflicts Resolution – Challenge of Natura 2000 management; ☐ Social key resources in Natura 2000; ☐ Management of Natura 2000 sites for better inclusion of human needs; ☐ Natura 2000 and urban connections

Field trip: ☐ No ☐ Yes